Isaac Scientific Publishing

Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance

Exploration of the Spatial Division of Labor to Regional Economic Growth in Yangtze River Delta

Download PDF (238.8 KB) PP. 38 - 42 Pub. Date: February 1, 2019

DOI: 10.22606/jaef.2019.41005


  • Zhuolin Xiao
    Department of Food and Pharmacy, Qingyuan Polytechnic, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, China


In order to construct a complete and unified theoretical basis of spatial division of labor and regional economic growth, an analytical framework of spatial division of labor, which is "microfoundation- mechanism-industry, city and enterprise three carriers", is constructed and an empirical study of it is made. The results show that, in the future, it is necessary to improve the level of spatial division of labor in manufacturing industry and give full play to the agglomeration economic advantages of spatial division of labor in manufacturing industry; spatial division of labor has a significant positive correlation with regional economic growth; the degree of specialization of service industry has been continuously improved, and now it has developed to a higher level; in the aspect of urban carriers, different stage, speed and competitiveness of urban development and the problems faced will be different. In terms of enterprise carriers, the Yangtze River Delta region actively introduces and goes out. Through the joint action of domestic and foreign enterprises, it effectively promotes the level in the international division of labor system, and the enterprise economic structure is improved day by day.


Specialized division, spatial division, economic linkages, economic growth, the Yangtze River Delta.


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