Isaac Scientific Publishing

Advances in Astrophysics

Nonlocal Theory of Ball Lightning

Download PDF (786 KB) PP. 7 - 40 Pub. Date: February 20, 2019

DOI: 10.22606/adap.2019.41002


  • B. V. Alexeev
    Moscow Technological University


The existence in a bounded region of a self-consistent plasma object is established by the
methods of non-local physics as a result of the solution of the Cauchy problem. The non-local theory
is created for mathematical modeling of plasmoids and ball lightnings. The solitons have the
character of the stable quantum objects in the self consistent electric field. Particularly these effects
can be considered as explanation of the existence of lightning balls. The delivered theory
demonstrates the great possibilities of the generalized quantum hydrodynamics in investigation of the
quantum solitons. The theory leads to solitons as typical formations in the generalized quantum
hydrodynamics. It is proved that all ball lightnings theories based on local description are wrong in


Foundations of the theory of transport processes, nonlocal quantum hydrodynamic
equations, the theory of plasmoids, foundations of non-local physics, the theory of lighting balls.


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