Isaac Scientific Publishing

Geosciences Research

Quality Assessment of Groundwater in the Lower Litani Basin (LLRB), Lebanon

Download PDF (1170.1 KB) PP. 1 - 14 Pub. Date: May 30, 2020

DOI: 10.22606/gr.2020.51001


  • Nada Nehme
    Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Chaden Moussa Haydar
    Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Amani Dib
    Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Nawal Ajouz
    Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Medicine, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
  • Khaled Tarawneh
    Amman Arab University, Faculty of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Amman, Jordan


Lebanon is a small mountainous country with a typical Mediterranean climate with a large spatial variability of rainfall, a substantial amount of which is in the form of snow. In addition, the country is strongly urbanized with a great anthropic pressure on the water resources. the cost of waterresources degradation in the Upper Litani River Basin (ULRB) was estimated at $227 million, which is equivalent, on average, to 2.2% of the GDP in the ULRB and 0.5% of the GDP at the current national GDP of Lebanon. The contamination of groundwater in the lower Litani River Basin (LLRB) has in recent years become highly vulnerable. Thus, anthropogenic pressure, high infiltration of karistic aquifer features, and excessive usage of fertilizers resulted in extensive pollution stress. This article aims to understand ground water quality of the LLRB by studying the physicochemical characteristics of ground water, the levels of bacteria and heavy metals in this river. In addition to evaluate the influence of human activities on groundwater quality at different sites. Microbiological pollution was dominant in all sites unlike the heavy metals pollution, which was detected through the presence of lead and copper parameters solely. Elevated levels of sulfate and calcium were perceived in all sites with the total absence of phosphate. High levels of nitrate was found in all localities, except in Chhour (1, 2, 3), Arzoun (1 and 2) and Kaakeih el Jese. As for lead, high levels were predominant everywhere except in Tar Felsai, Chhour (3), Arzoun (1 and 2) and Kaakeih el Jeser sites. Ammonium levels were low in Borj Rahal, and Ain Abou Abdallah (2). The principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the Zahrani site is the most polluted. Most sources of pollution are related to wastewater discharges, agricultural activities and industrial activities. In addition to monitoring groundwater quality, it is of prime importance to consider it as an integral component for the management of water resources of the lower Litani basin.


Lebanon, contamination, LLRB, groundwater, PCA


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